Category Archives: Vietnam

Satsuma Gift

I found this drawing amongst my things today – I painted this in Vietnam and it was sent back to York to be in an exhibition. The paper is from vietnam and the paint and paintbrush I used were from Japan. The subject however was inspired by a man we briefly encountered in China who gave every one in my tour group a satsuma while we were waiting on a station platform and then went on his way.

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Filed under China, Illustration, Japan, Travel, Vietnam


Hello there. I’m in Vietnam, spending lots of my hard earned Dong.

I drew this in china but had to use it as an emergency tip money card for our ‘tour guide.’ Who knows what she will have thought of it… it is a drawing of ‘Pixiu’ the Horse Dragon; he is very lucky in China as he has a huge fat behind which means ‘nothing is getting out’ i.e, none of your money is going any where it shouldn’t.

I am currently drawing a lot around South East Asia and hope to do some more scribblings in Borneo in the new year…

Hopefully some of this should be shown in January in an exhibition starting the 25th of January. I hope! hope hope!

What else?

No, I don’t know either.

overandout xxx

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Filed under China, Folk Lore, Illustration, Travel, Vietnam